
Your body will be in better shape and condition if you take proper care of it. Your body is not a machine, but it functions like one. Without the constant attention, adequate care, and maintenance

Millions of American adults suffer from chronic pain, about 20 percent – too many, in fact. If you’re experiencing pain, don’t wait for it to go away on its own because it probably won’t. Once

Certain social situations can make even the best of us feel a little jittery. Whether it’s an upcoming job interview, meeting new people, or giving a presentation, it’s normal to feel a little anxious in

NAD+ or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It has important implications for general health, as it is involved in many biochemical reactions that keep the body functioning. These include

One of your loved ones survived a traumatic experience and, besides exhibiting symptoms of such an event, has also begun struggling in other ways. One unexpected symptom, which is possibly PTSD-related, is memory loss. Thankfully,

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, is a mental illness that manifests through recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

We all experience headaches from time to time. In fact, headaches are one of the most common health complaints. But for people with chronic migraines, headaches are much more than just an occasional nuisance. Chronic

A panic disorder is a serious condition that can cause significant distress and disrupt your life. It’s characterized by sudden, intense episodes of fear or anxiety that can be accompanied by physical symptoms like heart

In recent years, there has been a significant movement to destigmatize mental health issues. People are encouraged to open up to each other, share their struggles, reach out to get professional help, and be less

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain and, as a result, depression. Major studies have shown “that up to 85 percent of patients with chronic pain are affected by severe depression.” If you’re one of

Everyone gets a headache occasionally, but a migraine is much worse – even with warning signs. Millions of people get migraines each year, but with a bit of effort can learn to manage symptoms and

If you’ve ever wondered about the importance of maintaining cardiovascular health, consider this stunning fact. Nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. die each year from heart disease, costing the country almost $400 billion annually. The

For years, you’ve been more than a little anxious most days. Now, fear, lack of sleep, eating problems, and avoidance have begun ruling your life. So how do you start to get better? One way

Millions of Americans – men, women, and children – are affected by anxiety every year. If you know someone who experiences it, it’s normal to want to help. That said, it’s crucial to know what

Anxiety is tough enough to deal with sometimes without throwing a headache into the mix. Both conditions affect millions of men, women, and young people, but neither should control your life. If you’re suffering from

In 2019, the FDA made a groundbreaking decision to approve a form of ketamine as a clinical treatment for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression, a condition which is estimated to affect nearly three million Americans. The drug,

Most people will go through something traumatic at some point in their life. After something traumatic, it is normal to have difficulty coping with what you went through or saw. In some cases, these symptoms

The short answer is yes, stress can cause chronic pain. Some studies indicate correlations between high levels of daily stress and an increase in daily pain levels.

Approximately eight million U.S. adults suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a severe mental disorder brought on by surviving a traumatic event. Though cause and effect are well documented, research is ongoing for developing treatment

If you were stressed before, it is only natural to surmise the events of 2020 – a global pandemic, thousands of deaths, and economic, social, and political unrest – only make that worse. These times

The National Alliance of Mental Illness has identified four types of bipolar disorder: